
Welcome to our online noticeboard.
If you would like to submit a notice for consideration, contact us.
Check out our volunteering and employment opportunities

Mercy Baskets

We are in need of contributions, please, for our Mercy Basket food parcels. These parcels are provided for people and families who are desperately in need and are truly blessed by our giving. Suggestions: Sugar, baked beans, tinned fruit, corn, soup, pasta, pasta sauce, muesli bars, jam, honey, peanut butter, long-life milk, biscuits, Weet-Bix, pancake mix, toilet paper, coffee, tea bags.

If you have any extra ‘Hello Fresh’ boxes, donations of these would be greatly appreciated for packaging up kai for our Mercy Baskets. These can be dropped into Reception or the Welcome Centre on Sundays.


Ian and Kathy Viney’s accommodation and retreat facilities – ‘4451’ at Little River, are available free of charge to any groups, families, or individuals who would like to use them. They especially enjoy hosting people who might not otherwise get a chance to ‘get away from it all’. 4451 is ideal for rest, relaxation, respite, and recreation. For more information, see, email Ian, or call 021 153 8898.

We are looking for two flatmates at 243B Lyttelton Street, Spreydon. We are looking for two people who are looking for a home away from home with people who follow Jesus and are happy to be on the same journey. For more information contact Carly Johnston on 020 4152 3552.


Christain family needing to rent out their 2-bedroom furnished / Semi furnished house. Views of Lyttleton marina and bush, sunny and sheltered with off street parking Cashmere school Zone, $350pw incl Internet and gardener. Please phone Gaylene for Pics and to View on 0273050409


Retired Christian lady, quiet and reliable, seeking a granny flat/ small studio or similar to rent. All Christchurch areas considered. Reasonable rent please. Long term preferred. Referees Available.

For more information please contact Marion 02102421859.

Home needed by early March for active Chirstian lady in her 60’s. Working part-time. Looking for home in Christchurch please Contact Jennifer Johnston 0211 605 912

Young women looking for room to rent or board, firm believer in Jesus Christ, can pay up to $165 rent and $50 for expenses plus will buy own food. Please txt or call Amy Brown on 0211505539.


I am looking for a committed christian (preferably female) to share my spacious 3 bedroom home, located on Major Aitken Drive. It has expansive views of the city, plus all day sunshine and backs onto a reserve full of native birds. please contact Sacha Judge on 021-271-2770


Have you got any unwanted stamps??? If you do and would love to support the Blind Mission, please bring them into Church reception, or contact Colleen on 03 3396613. Thank you.

Looking for part time employment
“Kia ora, I am Mortaza Esfandiari. I am from Afghanistan and have been in New Zealand since January 2024. I am looking for part-time work. I am physically fit and strong with experience of construction sites. I am available to work from 4pm weekdays and on Fridays and Saturdays. Please contact me on 020 4155 4581 or my friend Nick Regnault on 022 540 8811.”

“My name is Sakhi, I am originally from Afghanistan. I have been living in Christchurch since June. I have been sponsored by the Oaklands Group to settle in Christchurch and now I am a permanent resident. I am looking for up to 10 hours work per week (outside of 9am - 4pm) while I study English at ARA. I have a Masters degree in Electrical Engineering. While I was in Indonesia as a refugee I taught refugee children for about 10 years. Please contact me on 020 486 2829 or my friend Geoff Siave.” Geoff says: “Sakhi is keen to try anything and is particularly interested in the electrical area as he has a qualification from overseas, but is not acquainted with New Zealand systems.  Sakhi is a good communicator and thinker, is physically able, and ready to go.”

Worried about Money?
FREE confidential one-to-one financial mentoring is available through
Kingdom Resources. Help includes support getting your budget under control; money management skills; debt restructuring including possible interest free loans, and advocacy.  Appointments are available on Thursday mornings at SWBC café – please call (03) 332 1700 or email for more details. Appointments at the office 1/242 Ferry Road, Waltham can be booked online at

‘The Fridge’ Rad
‘The Fridge’ is a radio station created by Middleton Grange School students. At 7am and 7pm daily they play a message from Murray Robertson – give them a listen here.