The Book of James - Chapter 1

Readings for this week October 21 - 27

Click here for a pdf of this week’s readings 

Day 1 – The Trouble with Wealth

Silence, Stillness and Centering before God (2 minutes) Scripture Reading – James 1:9-11
James returns to a concrete example of the trials and tribulations he talked about in verse 2 and he goes straight for a topic that often lies at the heart of the issues that we face: wealth and poverty. Throughout the remainder of the book there will be further warnings to the rich. James warns about the transience of riches and foolishness of investing our identity and our self- worth in the temporary impressiveness that wealth supposedly brings. James’ words echo the words of the prophet Isaiah: “Surely the people are grass. The grass withers and the flowers fall, but the word of our God endures forever” (Isaiah 40:7-8).

If wealth, power and position mean anything to God then it seems that they are primarily referenced due to the power with which they can so easily ensnare us and lead us astray from the holy life God calls us to live and the ease with which the wealthy can ignore, forget and oppress the poor. The rich and powerful will soon perish, but God will remain the same. The rich need the kingdom; they need to submit to its values and change their lives to show solidarity with the poor. We see here the theme of God’s concern for the poor and his readiness to answer the injustices that they suffer – themes prominent among the ancient Hebrew prophets and of course a key characteristic of Jesus himself. God sees the plight of the poor and elevates them to a new status; he sees the rich, reminding them of the fleeting nature of their wealth and the insidious damage that it can so easily bring.

Question to Consider

What does it mean for the rich to “take pride in their humiliation’? What do these verses prompt you to think about your attitude towards wealth?


Heavenly Father, all that I have is yours and is a gift from you. I want to serve you more, not my own desires. Keep me humble and help me take all opportunities to love others. Amen.

Conclude with Silence (2 minutes)

Day 2 – The Problem of Temptation

Silence, Stillness and Centering before God (2 minutes) Scripture Reading – James 1:12-18
Back to life’s trials again and in particular the way in which our own decisions and behaviour can bring calamity upon us. James makes it clear that we are the ones lured by our own desires. The blame lies with us and our inability to stop listening to that sinful voice inside. It lies with no-one else. God is not tempted and God does not tempt anyone. He stands outside the progression of desire, sin and death that we so often fall prey to due through our selfish, self-centred desires. But he is with us during temptation, not as its instigator but as the one who offers to rescue us from it – as the one who promises that through him such bondage need not continue. Through him we can change.

Rather, God models other-centredness, with an outward focus that only looks to give and to support and love the other. God only gives good gifts, from the original gift of creation and life itself, to the gifts that he, as the good God, showers on his people. All giving originates from God; he is the original gift-giver. We are to model ourselves on God. We are to deny ourselves out of love for God and love for others and join in the struggle for justice. If we do this and adopt an outward focused love then self-centred desire and the death that inevitably follows from such a selfish life, will not have the final word. God is gracious and God gives lovingly and indiscriminately. We should do so too, no matter the trials that we face.

Question to Consider

What is your gut reaction to trials and testing circumstances? Why? How can we feel blessed when such tough times arrive? What does Jesus hope to achieve in us through this?


Lord God, help me persevere. Help me see the blessing I can be to others even in hard times, and the way in which you can mould me and transform me through such trials. Help me see the wider view. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Conclude with Silence (2 minutes)

Day 3 – Shut Up and Listen!

Silence, Stillness and Centering before God (2 minutes) Scripture Reading – James 1:19-21
Perhaps it is just our changing digital technology and its apparent ubiquity that make it seem as if we are becoming more vociferous with our opinions, more strident in our denunciations, and more tightly sealed within the echo chambers of our own voices. It seems everyone has a platform, a website, a podcast and an opinion on which to share it. We are quick to take offence and quick to speak, and listening is often the option that we won’t entertain. James would say that we have this process backwards. We need to listen first, above all else – perhaps only listen and not speak at all, depending on what it is that we hear.

And the first thing we should be hearing, the paramount thing we should be listening to, is the word of God, the word of truth that James has previously stated gave birth to us. When we listen to God’s life-giving word, the ability to live out the new life we have been given grows in us; the more attentive we are, the more we find ourselves able to resist temptation, hear God’s word, and act as his beloved children should. Calmer, less angry, more attentive to the needs and cares of the world around us, less caught up in our own indignation and desires, we will more and more become God’s holy people, with greater capacity to love the hurting, stand firm against injustice and, rather than loudly pushing our own views, more willing to invite the oppressed to be heard and to give voice to those who have no voice.

Question to Consider

How do you listen to the word of God? How do we ensure such attentive listening is not mistaken for passive acquiescence? How do we stand strong in a world that won’t shut up?


Gracious God, I need to listen better, more attentively and in the right direction. Strengthen my ability to withstand distractions – my own self- distractions especially – and help me strengthen the voices of others. Amen.

Conclude with Silence (2 minutes)

Day 4 – Faith and Works Together

Silence, Stillness and Centering before God (2 minutes) Scripture Reading – James 1:22-25
James sometimes gets in trouble with some readers because they think he emphasises works (or deeds) over faith, and thus find his description of faith and works at odds with their understanding of justification by faith. (Martin Luther described the book of James as “an epistle of straw” – i.e. not as pure and authoritative as other books - because of this.) Although this is an oversimplification, passages like today’s were often misinterpreted under this false works/faith dichotomy. But when looked at clearly and soberly, it is obvious that for James it isn’t enough just to listen to the word. We need to act on what we hear; we need to “do” the word. Otherwise, what’s the point? What has changed? Certainly not us.

Hearing and knowing the word aren’t enough if we are not acting on what we hear and putting the word of God into practice. The word is active and spurs us to move. (God’s Word became human and moved among us after all.) We need to hear and obey; we need to move and thus change. Have I been transformed? Am I being changed more and more into Christ’s likeness? No, I just know something extra now. But it hasn’t affected me, it hasn’t changed me; I just have another piece of information about God (what he expects and wants of me) that I am ignoring. Then I haven’t acted on the impetus of the word, I am not “doing” God’s will, I’m just hearing it and ignoring God’s call to action. He desires an active faith that pushes into all areas of our beings – thoughts and actions.

Question to Consider

How have you noticed yourself changing lately? How has God been working this change in you?


Loving Father, thank you for loving me enough to not let me sit still and stay the same but rather inviting me to change and offering me the transforming power of you Spirit to do it. Mould me more. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Conclude with Silence (2 minutes)

Day 5 – How to Spot Genuine Religion

Silence, Stillness and Centering before God (2 minutes) Scripture Reading – James 1:26-27
This is an abrupt transition. From talking about obedience to the perfect law, without warning James suddenly switches gear and presents us with the three markers of genuine religion: a controlled tongue, care and compassion for those in need, and personal holiness unsullied by the world. It seems abrupt, but if we think about it there is a natural flow to the argument. James has talked about the new birth, followed by the growth of new life, and now he lists the characteristics that this new life displays – or should display. For our faith to be real and effective, these are the marks that will be visibly evident in our lives.

These are sharp words. If they make us uncomfortable, if they make us think, if they make us question ourselves and the extent of our faithfulness, then they have done their job. We need to be vigilant in the face of the snares and temptations of the world. We need to persevere when hardships and trials visit us. We need to have faith that God is with us and can sustain us and transform us even in – especially in; especially through – hard times. To have the life of God in us and yet not to change is unthinkable. If we truly are newborn creations and children of God, then the reality of that cannot be hidden; it cannot fail to make its presence felt in the world, no matter what we face or how much it might be beyond us. Because whatever the case it certainly is not beyond God.

Question to Consider

Where do you see these characteristics of genuine “religion” in your own life?


Heavenly Lord, you gave me new life and with it the ability to live into this new life and the new person you would have me become. I have my part to play in this; help me do so to a greater degree each day. Amen.

Conclude with Silence (2 minutes)


The Book of James - Chapter 2


The Book of James - Introduction